GUIDE METHODOLOGIQUE - Productions Intellectuelles et Résultats
The Ulusoy Maritime High School in Çeşme was in charge of dissemination activities'coordination and took a big part in it. As a leader in propaganda for NBE+ the Turkish team was co-organizer (with Ege University) of a seminar (lectures) about old and new fears, made in Izmir during C4 mobility (see it in NBE+ PARTNERSHIP section, clicking on SHORT TEM EXCHANGES add). Our Egean partner also organized our last project holders' meeting R5. Turkish participants in C5 interpreted with other pupils the transnational narrative's play but they also did two dances : "Troya zeybek" and "Kostak ali" about fear of losing and death.
Two experts from Ege University were involved as NBE+ partakers: S. Sarpkaya, Instructor Lecturer at Institute of Turkish World Studies, and O. Tabak, graduate of Dance and Performing Arts State Conservatory (trainer of volunteers students in Çeşme school from 2016 to 2018. Thank to their help, Çeşme Ulusoy Maritime High School was perfectly able to perform its big role in the partnership, did implement some exhibitions (as it was done in april, 20165, at the Conference Hall of Çeşme district, to disseminate NBE+ to the district schools) and many dances (during the short-term exchanges) and was more present in medias (Mr Sarpkaya has made a lecture at a Radio about C3 mobility in Romania and Dracula myth, in december, 2016)
NBE+ teachers' seminar R5 was implemented in Turkey with our partnership's sustainibility as a main goal.
Le lycée maritime Ulusoy de Çeşme était chargé de la coordination des activités de médiatisation et a joué un rôle important en ce domaine, organisant (avec l’Université d'Izmir) un séminaire sur "les peurs anciennes et nouvelles et la culture Turque" pendant la mobilité C4. Notre partenaire égéen a également organisé la dernière réunion transnationale R5. Les élèves Turcs présents lors du festival C5 ont interprété avec leurs pairs le dialogue transnational mais ils ont également éxécuté deux danses: "Troya zeybek" et "Kostak ali" sur la peur de perdre un proche et la peur de mourir. Deux experts de l’Université d’Egée ont soutenu le partenariat : S. Sarpkaya, maître de conférences à l’Institut d’études du monde turc et O. Tabak, diplômé du Conservatoire d’État pour la danse et les arts de la scène (formateur d’élèves volontaires de l’école de Çeşme de 2016 à 2018). Grâce à leur aide, le lycée maritime de Çeşme a parfaitement rempli son rôle dans le partenariat et mis en place des expositions (comme ce fut le cas en avril 2016, au Hall de conférence du district de Çeşme, afin de susciter l'intérêt des établissements scolaires de la région ). Ses élèves ont dansé à de nombreuses reprises (pendant les échanges de courte durée) et l'école a obtenu grâce au recours à des experts d'être davantage présente dans les médias (S. Sarpkaya a notamment fait en décembre 2016 une conférence à la radio évoquant la mobilité C3 en Roumanie et le mythe de Dracula)
A MOVIE MADE BY THE ULUSOY MARITIME SCHOOL: using html 5 to make video games and overcome all fears
- Multimedia is the presentation of content in various forms such as audio, video, graphics, animation, music. The multiple environments used in education increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the instructor and enable the learner to access the information more easily and permanently. The use of multi-media tools for teaching and learning at the same time enables active learning, making fun of learning, individual learning, cooperation, motivation, communication skills to gain, more than one senses, constructive, reinforcement, control, flexibility,
- Multimedia software in the field of education can be used according to the speed of science.
- A person with slow learning can learn faster.
- Multimedia applications can be used independently of time. You can learn your lessons by using multimedia as and when you want.
- Multimedia applications are flexible, the user can learn the subject of the material offered.
- Students can create their own materials and use methods that involve big changes instead of traditional lessons
- These applications are the topics that students want to learn: Turkish traditions , history, education, literature, geography, mathematics or cartoons in foreign language , animations, slides or computer games in the form of education and education is transferred into student-centered.
Thus, it is possible to develop the computer skills of the teachers and students, to realize self-learning and to learn peer to peer.
Click also on: "NBE+ Works" in POSTS section and "Fears" in VIDEOS & SLIDES in order to have an overview of the lectures made for c4 (a large part of the NBE+ intellectual outputs)