[Vlad's mother was a princess and a very strong female Vampire. Perhaps is it the reason why "Vladut" was attracted by Fergie... She protected him but used to annoy his husband... till she lost him: first time in Roma, from where he moved in the air to Riga - with Hope, using the magic sword, and second time in Cluj-Napoca... because he was now Vlad, Prince of Transilvania. He suddenly vanished in the magic trap let by Dracula to make his nephew come to his castle in Çesme] VLAD A PEUR D'ETRE ABANDONNE et voudrait retrouver sa mère, dont Fergie a été le substitut
[Vlad Murray aka "Vladut" had no way for knowing he was Dracula's heir and tried to survive in London as a night watchman. When Dracula claims to be dead, he unwittingly makes Vlad to become a supernatural power ; ghosts from Roma detect he is Dracula's heir and make its plane to land... just on time to encounter Hope and to find the magic sword. Because of this object and after both Hope and the Werewolf accept him as their king, Vlad becomes a new person.. still a man or a total vampire? He will have to make a choice] VLAD SURMONTE SES PEURS et élimine définitivemnt Dracula, puis travaille à pacifier Izen Gabea, auquel il pardonne ses crimes passés |