de Nouveaux Objectifs & des Apprentisages Habiles
a post edited on Sunday, the 12th of February, 2023 UPDATED IN NOVEMBER, 2024 |
ENGLISH TEXT FURTHER (below in this page) >>
L'initiative NOAH est le nom donné à la démarche suivie depuis 2017 par le Lycée Maurice Ravel de Saint-Jean-de-Luz et ses partenaires européens. Il s'est agi, dans un premier temps, de porter le projet ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS, dont l'acronyme était : "E+A (Noah)" et la devise 'un Nouvel Ordre écologique : l'Animal et l'Homme, une question de civlisation". Pour celà, des outils et un protocole, inspiré en partie d'une première collaboration interscolaire (le projet Nuits Blanches) ont été mis au point et utilisés. Ces instruments ont fait l'objet d'une évaluation au fil de l'eau, tandis qu'étaient formulés les trois principes guidant la définition de nos objectifs communs, dans le cadre de ce partenariat comme dans les suivants : transdiciplinarité et convivialité, innovation et soutenabilité, inclusivité et engagement civique.
Le Lycée Ravel a été récompensé pour le projet E+A (Noah) obtenant un certificat de bonnes pratiques puis, plus récemment, étant lauréat du prix #EITA 2022 octroyé aux meilleurs projets innovants. Il a présenté sa candidature, au tritre du projet E+A et de son prolongement (l'initiative NOAH) au concours du New European Bauhaus.
Les référentiels, grilles d'audit, questionnaires de suivi et autres composantes de l'initiative NOAH sont déjà disponibles en ligne, pour partie dans le site du projet NOAH (vulgarisant depuis 2020 des échanges transntionaux portant sur la diversité et la protection de l'environnement, fruits du prolongement - sous forme d'eTwinning et/ou de coopérations informelles - du partenariat ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS) mais sont quelque peu dispersés entre les différents sites de médiatisation des projets coordonnés par le Lycée Ravel ou sur le site de coordination de la cité scolaire (dans NOTRE BUREAU EUROPÉEN).
A partir de l'été 2023, pour que leur réemploi soit facilité et les mises à jour de la méthode expliquées au fur et à mesure, ces contenus seront édités dans le website ILARGIA puisque c'est la Ligue qui développera désormais l'initiative, devenue méthode, et non plus le Lycée Ravel.
The NOAH initiative is the name given to the approach followed since 2017 by Lycée Maurice Ravel (High School located in Saint Jean de Luz) and its European partners.
The first step was to carry out the ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS project, whose acronym was "E+A (Noah)" and whose motto was "A New Ecological Order: Animals and Humans, a question of civization". For this purpose, tools and a protocol, inspired in part by a first inter-school collaboration (the "Nuits Blanches" project) were developed and used. These tools were evaluated along the way, while the three principles guiding the definition of our common objectives were formulated, in the framework of this partnership as well as in the following ones: transdiciplinarity and conviviality, innovation and sustainability, inclusiveness and civic engagement (BEAUTIFUL, SUSTAINABLE, TOGETHER).
The Lycée Ravel has been rewarded for the E+A project (Noah) obtaining a certificate of good practice and, more recently, being awarded the #EITA 2022 prize for the best innovative project. He has applied for the New European Bauhaus competition under the E+A project and its extension (the NOAH initiative).
The guidelines, audit grids, monitoring questionnaires and other components of the NOAH initiative are already available online, partly on the NOAH project website (which has been popularising the fruits of the extension - in the form of eTwinning and/or informal cooperation - of the ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS partnership since 2020), but they are also scattered throughout the various media sites of the projects coordinated by the Lycée Ravel or on the school's own website (in NBE+ Notre Bureau Européen).
From the summer of 2023 onwards, in order to facilitate their re-use and to explain the updates of the method as they occur, this content will be published on the ILARGIA website, since it is the League that will henceforth develop the initiative, and not the Lycée Ravel. it may become a method in use in the NOAH community.
PICTURES FROM the 3rd international symposium implemented in Cluj-Napoca at the end of 2022.
As Noah is the name of the mehodology and tools we want to develop and share in order to help the management of the transnational partnerships and to enhance the Quality Control on the projects our members use to lead as project holders, ACMÉ 2025 is a project built to support some educational workshops in the area of citizenship (and especially Risponsibility).
Citizenship education: local, national, European and global dimensions
The context: a multi-annual educational action whose name is as follows.
ALL CITIZENS: MANKIND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT ACMÉ was launched in earnest during the 2023-2024 school year as a project not funded by the European Commission but promoted by the League for Innovation and Cooperation ILARGIA, which proposed it, in partnership with the Lycée Ravel, to European secondary schools used to practicing “remote” collaborations with Luzian teams. It was originally intended to address the problem formulated as follows: How are citizen responsibilities exercised at different scales and must they increase to meet the challenge of the major transitions to come towards a better Future? The objectives of the activity are the same ones that were defined in 2023 by the Lycée Ravel and its counterparts in Poland, Romania, Turkey when they proposed building a consortium as part of key action 2 of the program Erasmus+ ( Europe, Democracy and Sustainable Development are the three main axes of the project.
Reminder concerniing the preparation made during ACME 2024. The first initiatives took place in the context of two eTwinnings established for a long time by the Lycée Maurice Ravel. These are SEE.SHORE (formerly called Water.Worlds) created to contextualize teaching and open the school internationally and FORUM.NOAH, more focused on supporting European cooperation linked to the protection of Biodiversity and the environment (therefore: with the notions of responsibility and citizenship). A small group of French students aged 17 to 18 years old and enrolled in Terminale STMG produced in EMC and as part of the ACMÉ project a small magazine dedicated to engagement in civic, associative and/or professional life: they had seemed interesting to plan (around May) one or two online workshops (videoconferences) to discuss the subject with high school students learning French (in Romania, Italy or Portugal): ultimately, this intention came to fruition with Romania (for STMG) and Italy (but around interviews podcasted by another division of Terminale). Debates or role-playing games were also broadcast on the Lycée's specialized site (QUINTESSENCE.RADIO) after their production by Premières (HGGSP and HLP specialties). The teachers involved were, for the Ravel school campus, MM Vanderplancke and Puyjalon. Among all the foreign partners, the Kwidzyn high school (Poland) was especially valued, due to its own educational project but also the local context (the town of Saint-Jean-de-Luz working with the Amitiés France-Pologne association and wishing to commemorate more ostensibly the memory of Operation ARIEL).
ACME 2025
DEVOIRS DE RÉSISTANCES », luttes contre l'oppression et résilience face aux crises politiques ou environnementales
Remote collaboration will now be done, for the “ALL CITIZENS” project established at the Lycée Ravel, as part of a newly created Twinspace with Poland (and called “CITIZEN'S GAIN”) to leave SEE.SHORE to the workshops support of the cooperation partnership already in place at the Lycée Ravel (Be.Bo.P) and FORUM.NOAH for the Erasmus+ projects of the association known as the ILARGIA League. The long-term objectives of the eTwinneurs, called to collaborate sustainably, partly match those of the ACMÉ project but are grouped around three priorities (common European values, environmental issues and inclusion and diversity).
Accredited mobilities (ERASMUS+ KA1) are planned from May 2025: planned visit of a delegation from Baldone (on the theme: Citizenship, Responsibility and Resilience in the face of environmental challenges). Subsequently (during the next school year) a study trip to Poland is planned for the benefit of Ravel high school students (or other secondary schools that would join the project) to work on site, with the Kwidzyn secondary school, or with that of Gdynia, or even both, on resistance to oppression through the examples of the Second World War and totalitarianism (an extermination camp, the Solidarnosc museum in Gdansk).
A relatively complex incoming mobility is finally desired in 2026: Polish students coming to France would study with the French the Resistance to the German occupation and Francoism, thanks to a collaboration with two secondary schools in Spain (Navarre and Gipuzkoa) and to case studies: Gurs camp, Oradour, escape routes and Orion network. The visit of the Poles could take place in the summer at the same time as the usual commemoration ceremonies (June 18) or be postponed (depending on educational requirements).
The funding would be based first, and for what concerns the two mobilities described above, as for the cross-border exchanges between France and Spain, on funding obtained from the ERASMUS+ program within the framework of action 1 (to be requested this school year with a view to implementing them next year) and/or on contributions from the families of volunteer students according to the usual operating rules for school trips; but also on the possible appeal to local authorities, particularly with regard to the reimbursement of expenses for adults, for the benefit of the Ligue ILARGIA association, for example to compensate for trips without students, some of which are in the region, such as the visit to the “Anatomy of Francoism” exhibition in Toulouse, etc.
Please note: it should be noted that the Lycée Ravel has already carried out, in the past, a Citizenship education project not subsidized by the ERASMUS+ program but nevertheless focused on Europe and called “Ravé s Europeans”. This action took place from 2013 to 2017 and allowed the implementation of mobilities (four trips on the Rhine, the report of which is still available online at having leading to cooperation with two secondary schools in Germany and three invitations by the European Parliament (Euroscola program). We can therefore hope that, in the same way, the “Duties of Resistance” project or the eTwinning collaboration associated with it will attract the attention of European institutions and ultimately generate external funding.
not including activities only implemented for adults : study travel for teachers and experts (not during the school year) symposiums or any sort of mobilities without students
exemples de ressources patrimoniales locales / F: Camp de Gurs - Célébrations de l'opération Ariel – Oradour / PL : Auschwitz - Europejskie Centrum Solidarności / E : Museo del Carlismo - Burdin Hesiaren Oroimenaren Museoa / and : Ezkaba Jail in Basque Country, MUME in Catalunya, Museum of occupation in Latvia., Museo Storico della Liberazione (Roma)