R3 MOBILITY - Castles in Latvia - du 31 mai au 2 juin 2017

Troisième séminaire international (de bascule).


THIRD MEETING FROM the 31st of may  to the 2nd of june 2017 - Things to do:
Implement all mobilities and pedagogic aims for the remaining 16 months period
Check the Gantt Chart made for the 3rd scolar year and the Rewrite Roadbook with deadlines to product our transnational dialogue
Validate C4 results (the synopsis choosen in Çesme and the first agenda done for the C5 Festival)
Plan the studies all the project holders have to present as a tribute to the intellectual out put (deadline is R5)

Find more details and this REBOOT/SWITCH seminar's results clicking on "Lycée Ravel" ad to go to NOTRE BUREAU EUROPEEN

IMG 20170531 183615






partenariat ERASMUS+ NUITS BLANCHES NBE+ 2015-2018 et eTwinning ILARGIA / coordination internationale Vanderplancke P-L / EUROPEAN LEAGUE OF TEACHERS SINCE 2018