La concrétisation de notre ambition initiale (Bâtir un projet culturel commun) reposait sur le libre concours de tous nos partenaires, et leur adhésion au programme et aux valeurs du FESTIVAL ILARGIA, ultime échange de court terme et dernière mobilité pour les élèves (C5).
Our visitors from Cesme, Cluj-Napoca, Riga and Roma were on stage with us to play the transnational show, but also their own productions. They were involved in the Parade and in all other activities to make the ILARGIA FESTIVAL great and unforgettable! Thanks to: Serife, Nasrin, Onur, Seçkin, Yagmur, Melisa, Emir, Tugkan, Eren, Mert and Yunus (TR) to:Ramona, Monica, Horea, Beatrice, Denisa, Raul, Alex, Ionut and Vlad (RO) to: Sanita, Olga, Evita, Olesja, Ramita, Anzelika, Alina, Laila, Andrejs and Toms (LV) to: Alessandra S, Edda, Eleonora, Joana, Andreea, Alessandra B, Giovanna and Lorenzo (I)
This little film was made by Latvian team and posted by Sanita. Thanks a lot!